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Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


What is a One Page Scrolling Site?
Savio Designs' Services  |  Wed - April 21, 2021 9:52 pm  |  Article Hits:10784  |  A+ | a-

One Page Scrolling Sites are becoming more and more popular with businesses and other entities that want a website, but don't have the content for a multi-page website.

The concept behind a One Page Scrolling site is that the entire website is ""one page"", go figure? :)

Instead of a site having a multitude of pages with content that could be of enormous length, a One Page Scrolling site is broken into different sections, each having a small amount of content. The menu would ""scroll"" to the individual content sections which makes navigating the page quickly and easily!

The nice thing about these types of sites is that they are cheaper than doing a full-blown website and usually can be created fairly quickly. Since most One Page Scrolling sites have fairly static (unchanging) content, we offer them both with and without a Content Management System (CMS).

For more information and current pricing, please see SAVIO DESIGNS ONE PAGE SCROLL SITES.

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