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How Do I Access My E-mail via the Web?
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 9:45 pm  |  Article Hits:3300  |  A+ | a-

Direct Link

To access your e-mail through a website (not using an e-mail client) simply add ""/webmail"" to the end of your domain (example: and you will be directed to a webmail portal where you can login to your e-mail!

(Depending on your browser's settings, you might encounter a security alert - simply press "Continue" or "OK" to continue to the webmail portal. The alert is being triggered because you are essential using a ""backdoor"" to your webmail.

Through CPanel

Another (slightly more complicated way) would be to access it through your control panel. To do that, simply follow these steps:

Step 1:

Log into your cPanel account by adding "/cpanel" at the end of your domain (example:

Step 2:

Scroll down to the "E-mail Section":

Step 3:

Scroll down to the account you want to configure and select "More", then select "Access Webmail".

Step 4:

You will see a variety of Web Access Clients, simply pick the one you want to use and you are good to go! You are already logged in!


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