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Savio Designs: Web Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!
Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


What is a "Basic Page"?
Savio Designs' Services  |  Sat - April 10, 2021 8:41 pm  |  Article Hits:4191  |  A+ | a-

When looking at our base prices, you will notice that our Unmanaged Full Ownership Sites come with up to 10 ""basic pages"", one of which would have a Contact Form (other plans and offerings from Savio Designs also talk about ""basic pages"", the same definition applies to them).

But what do we mean by a ""basic"" page?

This is simply a page of your site that has an html editor in the Content Management System for you to add in your own text/images/etc. It wouldn't have any special functionality like a photo gallery or any other special features (these can be coded into the pages for an additional cost). The pages will obviously all have the design of your site, but you would supply all the content of that page through the Content Management System.

While most projects will not use all 10 ""basic"" pages that come with the Unmanaged Full Ownership Sites package, if you have a site that needs more than 10, we can add them for an additional fee.

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