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Savio Designs: Web Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!
Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


How to  |  Wed - January 20, 2021 9:51 pm  |  Article Hits:3336
We just added our Article/Blog Manager User Guide to the list of available guides. If you are using are Article/Blog Manager Module, you definitely want to check it out! It will be listed in your "User Guides" section of the Client Portal! MORE
How to  |  Sat - January 9, 2021 9:34 pm  |  Article Hits:3357
User guides have now been created for the Masonry Gallery Manager Module, MyList Player/Gallery, and an overview of the MyAdmin Manager. For those who have these on their sites, they will find the user guides under the "User Guides/Videos" section in our new client portal:! MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 10:12 pm  |  Article Hits:3251
This all depends on what type of web site you have. If you have what is called a static site (a site where there are no databases attached and every page is its own file with its own content), then it is fairly easy. All you have to do is transfer the files from your site from your old server to your new one (using a program like FileZilla). You also need to make sure your domain is pointing to your new server. MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 10:01 pm  |  Article Hits:7226
If you are hosting your website with us, you are probably going to want to add your e-mail accounts to different devices (Computer E-mail Clients like Outlook, SmartPhone, Tablet). To do this is fairly easy. MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 9:45 pm  |  Article Hits:3126
To access your e-mail through a website (not using an e-mail client) simply add ""/webmail"" to the end of your domain (example: and you will be directed to a webmail portal where you can login to your e-mail!

(Depending on your browser's settings, you might encounter a security alert - simply press "Continue" or "OK" to continue to the webmail portal. The alert is being triggered because you are essential using a ""backdoor"" to your webmail. MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 8:34 pm  |  Article Hits:4798
If you are hosted with Savio Designs Hosting, changing your e-mail password is very easy! MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 8:18 pm  |  Article Hits:3409
If you have your domain parked at another provider (GoDaddy, 1and1, etc.) and you would like to "point" your domain to our servers, fear not, it is pretty easy to do!

Every provider is different, so we unfortunately can't show you images, but by following our step by step guide, you will be able to do it with ease! MORE
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 7:46 pm  |  Article Hits:3182
With the launch of our new Client Portal and New Website, we moved all are User Guides and Videos to the Client Portal ( Our new Client Portal allows us to show you the guides/videos that are unique to the services you have from us. If there are any, you will see them listed in the "User Guides & Videos" tab in your Client Portal Menu. MORE