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Fonts: Serif or Sans-Serif?
Articles  |  Sat - January 9, 2021 9:54 pm  |  Article Hits:3443  |  A+ | a-

If you are not too familiar with the world of fonts, there are many different categories and types.

To make things simple, we are going to talk about the two main types of fonts with regards to how they look: Serif Fonts and Sans-Serif Fonts.

If you have ever looked at a font like "Times New Roman" and compared it with a font like "Arial", you will notice that "Times New Roman" has little flourishes on the letters. These flourishes are called "serifs". Sans-Serif fonts (sans means "to be without") are fonts without the flourishes.


Does it matter?

Yes, and no...while a lot of it will come down to personal preference for your design, Serif Fonts tend to be used in more of a casual context, whereas Sans-Serif Fonts tend to be used in more formal/business purposes.

Of course, if it is your website, graphic, or print project, you are free to choose whatever font suits you!


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