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Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


Website Analysis and Monitoring
Savio Designs' Services  |  Sat - April 10, 2021 10:57 pm  |  Article Hits:6456  |  A+ | a-

What is a Web Analysis Tool?

A Web Analysis Tool simply analyzes a website for a variety of factors often giving it a "grade" for different categories. It is a tool to allow people to see the performance of their website as well as things to fix or tweak to make it even better. There are both free tools and paid tools out there. While it is beneficial to do a one-time analysis of your website, the greater benefit is to do ongoing analysis and monitoring of your site so that you can see changes as standards change.

What Does Savio Designs Use?

Adding website analysis and monitoring is a new "tool" to the Savio Designs toolbox as of 4/10/2021. We have been impressed and use Screpy to analyze and monitor our web projects.

Screpy has a ton of features that include, but are not limited to:

  • Site Speed
  • Uptime/Downtime Monitoring
  • SEO Report
  • Page Monitoring
  • Coding Analysis

Initial Impressions of Screpy

When we first loaded up our projects into Screpy, we were impressed to see all the stats that came up. Screpy has a project dashboard for each site that helps us to keep things organized. It shows the things that are going well, as well as critical areas that need attention. Through its ease of use and its help in identifying areas for improvement, it is a tool that is going to not only help in creating a better website, but make that process easier and faster!

Why is this important?

When we are building a site we want to make sure that you get a site that is designed well and will perform well! Even if we are not managing the site, we want to make sure it is also being maintained and continues to perform well (it has our name attached to it too!). Screpy makes this possible for us.

How does this help me if I am a new client?

We recently enrolled in a professional plan with them and are using it for all new projects going forward. New clients will receive 2 months web monitoring included. After that, continuous monitoring can be purchased for a reasonable fee. This will give us insights into the site we are building and make sure it is even better, higher performing, and will be an even better product for you, our customer!

How does this help me if I am an older client?

We are also loading in our old projects into the Analysis and were impressed with what it is showing us. For our older clients, you will be happy to hear that we are going to be doing a free analysis of your site and do free updates to make sure it is performing to today's standards. This is a one-time courtesy we are doing of all our clients (it will take awhile to get through them all), our older clients will also be able to purchase the web monitoring service for a reasonable fee.

A few things we were impressed that Screpy was able to easily find for us on our older projects:

  • It identifies outdated code so we don't have to ""hunt for it"", we can simply replace it with newer, standardized coding.
  • It looks at the keywords and other SEO elements to see what can be improved.
  • It checks for valid SSL certificates and other security vulnerabilities.

These are all incredible insights for us to have at our disposal - using a Web Analysis tool gives us those resources to make a better site for you going forward!

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