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Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


How do I set up my e-mail on my phone/tablet/Outlook or other mail client?
How to  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 10:01 pm  |  Article Hits:7373  |  A+ | a-

If you are hosting your website with us, you are probably going to want to add your e-mail accounts to different devices (Computer E-mail Clients like Outlook, SmartPhone, Tablet). To do this is fairly easy.

Step 1:

Log into your cPanel account by adding "cpanel" at the end of your domain (example:

(If you receive a security alert, simply press "Continue" or "OK", to get to the CPanel - this is caused by your browser's settings, but you have nothing to worry about.)

Step 2:

Scroll down to the "E-mail Section":

Step 3:

Scroll down to the account you want to configure and select "More", then select "Configure Email Client".

You will then see links for various "auto-installers" that will automatically set up your account for you on a variety of mail clients. If you are trying to set up your email on a device that does not have an auto-installer, you will see your email settings to manually set up your device. Go to your device's mail settings and use the provided mail settings. If you need help, please feel free to Submit a Support Ticket in the client portal ("

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