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Savio Designs: Web Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!
Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


Choosing Fonts for Your Site
Working With Us  |  Wed - February 10, 2021 10:46 pm  |  Article Hits:4866  |  A+ | a-

One of the important decisions for the design of your site are the fonts. They can not only change the look of your site, but the tone and feel as well. While we are happy to try different styles, it is incredibly helpful if you can tell us fonts that you like! This will save tons of time in getting the design you like!

What Fonts We Need:

There are two types of fonts we need:

  • A "Heading" Font (this will be large text at the top of your content areas like "Welcome to my Site"). Generally speaking, this can be a fancier/more stylized font.
  • A "Body" Font (this will be the font used for all of the main text of the site). You want this font to be clear and legible so it is easy to read.

How to Look For Fonts

Please go to and look at the fonts and let us know ones you like. Give us the font name so we can find it, and let us know if you would like to see it for your "Heading"or "Body" font!

You are welcome to give us several to try and we can show you examples until we find the combination you like for your site!

Further Font Fun!

If you want to get into fonts a bit more, here is an article we wrote on Serif/Sans-Serif Fonts and web design!

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