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Web Design & Development for Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Entrepeneurs!


What is a MySql Database?
Articles  |  Mon - January 4, 2021 10:26 pm  |  Article Hits:2724  |  A+ | a-

A MySQL database is what stores the data (content) of your website (assuming it is a dynamic website - one that uses a database to load its information/content). It is separate from the design and contains everything you enter in your Content Management System (CMS). Your CMS pretty much is a good looking and user friendly way of entering information into the MySQL database. When someone visits your website, the page they are on automatically loads the content for that page from the MySQL database.

It is important, when you are backing up a website, that these databases are also backed up. They reside in a different part of your hosting package than your website design and the pages of our website (that are accessed via an FTP server). If you have a dynamic site and you are only backing up your FTP account, than you are not backing up any of your content - just your design!

These MySQL databases (a website can and often has more than one), are the toughest part of moving a website as their file paths have to be renamed for the new location and the content needs to be imported and the tables created in the new server. This is why we offer a website moving service if you plan on moving your website from one hosting company to another - that way you can be sure everything is renamed correctly and your site will function properly. For more information about our website moving service, please contact us.

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